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Auteursarchieven: Alder
The Art of Dealing with Ambiguity in the Craft
When you are confronted with something that is uncertain, and cannot figure it out — what do you do? Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged ambiguity, beginners, philosophy, tips, uncertainty, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Art of Dealing with Ambiguity in the Craft
Review: Traditional Wicca, ‘A Seeker’s Guide’ by Thorn Mooney
Thorn Mooney opens doors to seekers, not by writing about the subjects of most introductions on Wicca, but by posing the questions that are relevant, sharing her own experiences and struggles. A must-read for seekers and for teachers on Wicca. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies
Getagged beginners, seekers, traditional witchcraft, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Traditional Wicca, ‘A Seeker’s Guide’ by Thorn Mooney
The Path of the Seeker – part 2
The Craft has a myriad of unspoken rules, messages between lines, that tend to be overlooked by Seekers. There is no Handbook or Rulebook that can tell a Seeker how to seek. There are, however, principles or aspects that are particularly considered by those who guard the threshold of this magical tradition. Alder gives some practical tips. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged beginners, Gardnerian, seekers, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Path of the Seeker – part 2
Review: Garbed in Green
From the Sumerian gala priests and the Phoenician kelev, to the renown Native American Two Spirits, Casey explores the key role of homosexual or queer priesthood (or ‘sacred personhood’) throughout the foundation of our culture. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles
Getagged gay, male mysteries
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Garbed in Green
Birth, and Death, and Initiation in the Craft in the 21st Century
Birth and death are closely entwined and have a connection with Initiation. An experience that can only take place through first-hand experience, which is often mistaken for elitism. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged birth, Craft, death, Imbolc, initiation, Wicca, witchcraft
4 reacties
Internet and the Craft: Blessing or Curse?
Has Internet had a big influence on our practices? It has facilitated a way to interact with fellow witches from remote places. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged connection, internet, social media
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Internet and the Craft: Blessing or Curse?
Bertsolaritza, the Art of Improvisation, and Intuition
The Basque ‘bersolaritza’, the creation of extemporary verses, can teach us about a Craft technique, allowing the creative forces to become manifest. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged Basque, creativity, intuition, poetry
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Bertsolaritza, the Art of Improvisation, and Intuition
Understanding Polarity in the 21st Century
Polarity, seems to be founded and fed by a dichotomy: male–female, and from those, positive-negative, dark–light, birth–death, and so forth. But is this the only possibility? Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged gender, occultism, polarity
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Understanding Polarity in the 21st Century
Microaggressions and the Youth in the Craft
Every time we treat a younger person in a less-than-human way or less capable, without considering his individual skills, we are discriminating against youth – and perpetuating a type of discrimination that has been perpetuated for centuries. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged discrimination, Wicca, youth
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Microaggressions and the Youth in the Craft
Keep Pure Your Highest Ideal: Personal ethics in Wicca
Alder asked himself: How do we enter the Circle? How much of ourselves do we bring in?, or: How much of our ideas, ideals, emotions and thoughts make it to that place between the worlds?. In the end, the answer became quite clear: all of it. Lees verder