Auteursarchieven: Morgana

Over Morgana

"Morgana is Anglo/Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. She is a practising Gardnerian HPS. Over the years, she has facilitated a variety of Wiccan groups. She is co-editor of the international and bilingual "Wiccan Rede" magazine, which was launched in 1980 and is coordinator of Silver Circle, a Wiccan network in the Netherlands. As International Coordinator for PFI she travels extensively giving talks and workshops about Wicca and Paganism."

Review: Bees by Rudolf Steiner

We are so accustomed to having honey, beeswax, Royal Jelly around that bees are taken for granted. Like cows in our meadows, bees are a part of our normal everyday life… no big deal… until we realise how acute the current situation regarding Bees really is. Lees verder

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Review: The Wanton Green

A collection of inspiring, provoking and engaging essays by modern pagans talking about their own deep and passionate relationships with the Earth. Lees verder

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Merlin, Witch Extraordinaire

An obituary for Merlin, the former editor of Wiccan Rede magazine, who died January the 3th. Lees verder

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Merlin, heks extraordinaire

MERLIN SYTHOVE 13 JUNI 1955 – 3 JANUARI 2012 (Han-Dennis ten Siethoff) Merlin’s leven was zo rijk en gevarieerd als dat van een Middeleeuwse Magiër: variërend van het schrijven van artikelen voor Wiccan Rede, het leiden van een coven en … Lees verder

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Recensie: In de armen van de nacht

Een sprookje en tegelijkertijd een persoonlijk verhaal. Lees verder

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Review: The Daughters of Danu

This lovely story describes the necessity of observing the seasonal cycle, honouring the Spirits of the Land and the practice of seasonal rituals in the true storyteller’s tradition. Lees verder

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Reviews: Turkish devotional and contemporary music

Review of three albums by the (originally) Turkish musicians Mercan Dede, Halil Baskal and Levent Yildirim. Lees verder

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Review: Daughters of the Spring: Mor Karbasi

Using her own songs as a soundtrack Mor Karbasi talks about her roots and her family, her aspirations and of course her music. Lees verder

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Review: ‘Wicked Enchantments – the Pendle Witches and their Magic’

Wicked Enchantments – the Pendle Witches and their Magic
A review of the book of which elsewhere in this issue an abstract can be found. Lees verder

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Recensie: De Groene Man & de Groene Vrouw

De Groene Man & de Groene Vrouw – hun symboliek en gedaantes vanaf de steentijd tot nu
Bespreking van het rijk geïllustreerde boek dat Joke en Ko Lankester schreven na ruim twintig jaar onderzoek van groene mannen en vrouwen in Europa en het Nabije Oosten. Lees verder

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