Tag archieven: pagan

Beltane and Raging Hormones

May Eve is probably the most joyous of all the festivals and the emphasis is very much on ‘merry-making’. On the Wheel of Life Beltane corresponds to puberty and adolescence, with the physical changes and the ‘raging hormones’ of that time. Lees verder

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The Bahá’í Faith and Wicca – A Comparison of Relevance in Two Emerging Religions, Part 2 – The Goddess and the Maiden

The purpose of this paper is to make comparisons between the growth and potential for further development of the Bahá’í Faith and Wicca in Britain.
The paper begins by outlining the milieu in which both traditions began and notes possible overlaps of individuals and networks. It continues by contrasting motifs of beliefs and values between the two systems and investigates the history of both by arguing that relevance is the driving force in their respective development. Lees verder

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Man of Honour – Stein Jarving 1945 – 2005

Stein, who introduced the pagan religion Wicca in Norway, never gave up his hippie ideals. He was an inspirational pioneer, with many professions. Lees verder

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Pathfinder Extraordinaire – an interview with Jean Williams, part 1

Jean Williams has been Wiccan since the mid-60s, and High Priestess of Gardner’s original coven since the mid-70s. She shares some of her experience, as well as some ideas for directions that the Craft could go in future. Lees verder

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Pathfinder extraordinaire – an interview with Jean Williams, part 2

An ‘outer court’ is a place where group leaders can meet potential initiates, give them some basic training, and then decide if people are ready for initiation. Ash Russell spoke with Jean Williams about how Pagan Pathfinders evolved into an outer court, and got her views on how this has happened and what value it has added. Lees verder

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Harran: Last Refuge of Classical Paganism – part I

At the end of the Pagan world in the latter days of the Roman Empire several Hermetic and Neoplatonic scholars left the Empire to go ’to the East’. Where ‘in the East’ did classical Graeco-Roman knowledge survive until it came back to the West? One name comes up over and over again: Harran. Lees verder

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Connecting with Nature

It is better to go out and experience nature than to constantly sit in and read about it. A ‘sense of place’ is paramount to spirituality. There is nothing better than to detach yourself from the busy, noisy and crowded towns, and lose yourself in the tranquility and the almost surreal, non-materialism of the landscape. Lees verder

Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies | Getagged , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Connecting with Nature