Tag archieven: fantasy novel

Review: The once and future witches

Witchcraft, and the suffragette movement, combined in a story about three sisters. Lees verder

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Review: Hex Life. Wicked new tales of witchery

Anthology of short stories involving witches, written by women. Lees verder

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Review: All Souls Trilogy

Historian Diana Bishop retrieves an alchemical manuscript from the Bodleian library. That attracts the attention of witches, daemons and vampires. Lees verder

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Review: The Gospel of Loki

You may have heard other versions of the story, but this is Loki’s own view. “Take it with a pinch of salt, but it’s at least as true as the official version and, dare I say it, more entertaining.” Lees verder

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Review: The Treasure of the Silver Web

Marian Green is well known for her many books on folklore, occult philosophy, modern magic and Witchcraft, but it is a surprise to find a novel from her hand. Lees verder

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Review: Gwenhwyfar

Mercedes Lackey: Gwenhwyfar, the White Spirit
Another retelling of the Arthurian saga, this time from the viewpoint of Gwenhwyfar, or more precisely: on of the Gwenhwyfars. We know the end of the story, but what could have happened before? Lees verder

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