Webwegwijzer – Lughnasadh 2016

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Dating the Witch. Or Not.
Thorn Mooney explains why dating is even harder for a witch than for anyone else.

The Journey is the Initiation
“First, initiation is a process. It’s not just a single, literal, physical ceremony.”
Pat Mosley writes on the effect his initiation and his study of Wicca has on him, and on how initiation is perceived by other people.

A Witch’s Guide to Dion Fortune
The Non-Adept’s Guide to Gerald Gardner
The Non-Adept’s Guide to Aleister Crowley
The Non-Adept’s Guide to Robert Cochrane
“An adept is generally defined as ‘a person who is skilled or proficient at something’ but what about those of us who are not skilled or proficient in certain areas? As Pagans and/or Magickal Folk just how much knowledge should we posses about certain individuals? Is a thorough reading of all their works required or is a passing familiarity enough to get by on? The Non-Adept’s Guide is an attempt to provide the resources for a definition beyond Wikipedia, but not so much that the reader will be ready to write a college paper on the subject.”
Jason Mankey introduces the readers of his Patheos blog to several of the most important authors on Magick and Wicca and their books.

Regenerative Culture, Earth-based Spirituality, and Permaculture
Starhawk is one of the most respected voices in modern earth-based spirituality. She is the author or coauthor of twelve books, including The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess, long considered the essential text for the Neo-Pagan movement, and the now-classic ecotopian novel The Fifth Sacred Thing.
Her website is about Permaculture, Goddess/Pagan and Writing; there’s a blog and a schedule of meetings, and she asks for support on Earth Activist Training projects.

Axis Mundi (New World Encyclopedia)
The axis mundi (also cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar and center of the world) is a symbol representing the center of the world where the heaven (sky) connects with the earth.
On the Etymology; Symbolism and mythology; Traditional expressions of the axis mundi in several parts of the world; Modern Expressions and Modern storytelling on the axis mundi.


Over Jana

Wicca is mijn religie, achteraf gezien is dat altijd al zo geweest. Ik heb het geluk gehad mensen te leren kennen waarmee het goed klikte. In 1984 hebben zij me ingewijd in een Gardnerian coven. Anders was ik alleen verder gegaan. Mijn ideeën over de rol van man en vrouw komen in wicca terug. Zo ook mijn ideeën over het belang van natuur en milieu: ik vier de jaarfeesten en eet de groenten van het seizoen. En de Wiccan Rede ('Doe wat je wilt, mits het niemand schaadt') was al mijn lijfspreuk voor ik wicca leerde kennen.
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