Web Guide – Webwegwijzer – Samhain 2016

Websites that might interest our readers, on the subject of Witches and Pagans with Disabilities

Interessante websites die we verzamelden voor de lezer over het onderwerp ‘Heks en handicap’

Disability Within Paganism
“I was born disabled. This ultimately makes my experience of disability different from someone with an acquired illness–although I have those as well. My experience of disability is that it is woven into my character. Being disabled means that I see things from a vantage point that others may not see. It often means that I also see darkness from people who would not be so openly hostile to me if they didn’t feel in the right making certain value judgments about me.”

Rantings of a Disabled Witch

Aislynn, July 31, 2010
“I don’t usually complain about being an individual with a disability, but I’ve noticed that the ratio of people in the Pagan community who are accepting and welcoming of it is shrinking further and further.”
Aislynn explains how her disability, albinism, affects her in the Pagan community. Visual impairment makes it difficult to read near a bonfore, she’s not able to attend to afternoon meetings outside, and has problems travelling.

Celebrating My Disabled Pagan Life: Photoblog
Léithin Cluan, October 11, 2016
“Every time a Pagan or polytheist tries to tell others that they should only take natural remedies or dictates what health should look like, I get twitchy.
I’m currently deep into drafting my thesis about disability and a particular religion (which will eventually be 100,000 words long, so it’s keeping me fairly busy). I’m exploring big themes. And the more I read and write about certain religions (you know, the ones that Pagans are often so quick to judge), the more nervous I get about how Pagans can be very similar in our attitudes towards bodies and minds. We, too, dismiss disabled and chronically ill people for being different. We may do it much more subtly. But we do it.”

Pagans with Disabilities Face Unseen Challenges
Terence P Ward, May 25, 2016
“In the collective Pagan communities, it is not at all unusual to encounter people with disabilities. There are no studies to suggest that there are more Pagans and polytheists with disabilities than in any other cultural and religious subgroup. However, the fact that such people are so visible might indicate a level of accommodation and acceptance that may not be present within other communities. Whether or not being under the Pagan umbrella provides more support, many people with disabilities still yearn for better accessibility on festival grounds and in ritual spaces, and can still often feel isolated from their community of choice when unable to fully participate.”

Disabled Pagans
Patti Wigington
Pagans with physical disabilities find themselves facing a unique set of issues that able-bodied people don’t have to content with. Rituals are often held in places that are inaccessible to people with mobility issues. Transportation to and from events can be a problem. Pagans who are blind or deaf, for example, have a completely different set of needs than those who can see and hear. There are many disabilities that we cannot see. Tips for making things more accessible for community members with disabilities when hosting a Pagan event.

Dedication Ritual for the Less Ambulatory
August 19, 2010
Modified for the less ambulatory by Masery, former Myrddin of the Elodrym.
Adapted from The Order of the Elodrym’s initiation ritual.
Elemental calls written by Aquillus Cattus and adapted for this ritual.

Quaker Spaces and Accessibility: Part 1 & 2
Stasa Morgan-Appel
February 28, 2016 & February 29, 2016
“How can Friends’ Meetings and organizations be more accessible to, and inclusive of, people with disabilities? …
This article is written from the perspective of a Friend with disabilities, in consultation with other Friends with a number of different disabilities. It’s a non-exhaustive list of opportunities for thought, worship, and action. I expect it will challenge many readers. Most of all, it’s an invitation to think about disability, accessibility, and inclusion in different ways than perhaps you already do.”

How not to plan an accessible event
Jane, July 13, 2016
“Enjoyed this post from Autistic Hoya about How Not To Plan Disability Conferences (How Not to Plan Disability Conferences, http://www.autistichoya.com/2015/07/how-not-to-plan-disability-conferences.html). Some of these tips are relevant to anyone (like, say, a Pagan ritual or festival organizing group).”

Madness, Shamanism, and Wicca
Yvonne Aburrow, Dowsing for Divinity, September 9, 2015
“The history of madness and attempts to treat it is long, convoluted, and fascinating. Different theories and treatments have come and gone, depending on the mood of the age. I think it is worth remembering that in many cultures, such episodes are not seen as mental illness, but a blessing from the gods. Many shamans have had similar experiences to what western medicine dismisses as mental illness.”

Being Depressed and Being Wiccan
Thorn Mooney
“As someone who has been coping with self-injury and depression for the past couple of decades, I thought I’d do my part to shine a light on what depression can look like from a Pagan perspective.”

Wicca and Depression
Thorn Mooney

Witchcraft or Mental Illness?
Beatriz Quintanilla, June 21, 2010
Mental illness has been known throughout human history, and the symptoms have always been recognized as something different—an abnormal behavior. In ancient times, madness was considered a punishment of the gods but also as the distinctive characteristics of the chosen ones; the manifestation of the symptoms was seen as a sign of a divine message.
At the end of the Middle Ages, but more precisely, during the Renaissance, the blame fell on witches and diabolical possession.

Disability and Religious Diversity : Cross-Cultural and Interreligious Perspectives (book)
D. Schumm, M. Stoltzfus
2011, ISBN 978-0-230-33948-4
“This collection of essays examines how diverse religions of the world represent, understand, theologize, theorize and respond to disability and chronic illness. Contributors employ a variety of methodological approaches including ethnography, historical, cultural, or textual analysis, personal narrative, and theological/philosophical investigation.”
Pages 75-90:
Disabled Rites? Ritual and Disability in Wicca. Jo Pearson

How to Include the Physically Challenged in Group Rituals (article)
A.C. Fisher Aldag, The Llewellyn Journal
“Anyone can do magic. You don’t have to be able to dance to raise energy. You don’t need an eagle’s eyesight to have psychic visions. People with physical handicaps are fully capable of performing ritual, casting spells, and celebrating the holidays. Many elders and differently-abled folks have wonderful experiences and talents to offer the Pagan community. Yet sometimes we are not fully included in Pagan or Wiccan rituals. Some of us choose to work solitary for that reason.”

Gehandicapte Goden (artikel, PDF)
Flierefluiter, 2010
“Een tijdje geleden kreeg ik een beeldje van de Egytische god Min kado. Opvallend aan dit beeld was, behalve de grote stijve penis, vooral het ontbreken van een arm en een been. Na wat onderzoek op internet bleek dat Min soms met al z’n ledematen en soms met een of twee ledematen minder afgebeeld wordt. Een verklaring hiervoor kon ik echter nergens vinden en dat maakte me nieuwsgierig. Ik wilde weten hoe het nu precies zat met Min en met andere gehandicapte goden uit diverse pantheons. Om meer te weten te komen dook ik in de boeken, op het internet en besprak ik het onderwerp op diverse fora. Dit artikel is het voorlopige resultaat hiervan.”

The Disabled Goddess: Reflections Upon Paganism, Christianity, and The Disabled Experience (article)
Lucas Walker, May 2014
“At issue for this paper is the field of disability theology, itself an offshoot of disability studies, a social sciences field developed specifically by and for the disabled community.”

Pagan Federation Disabilities Team

Disabled Witches and Pagans and friends
This group is for those who disabled or less abled than others. We will discuss creative ways of accessibility, service dogs, and more.

Pagans and Wiccans with Disabilities
Created by Moon Beam
This is a place where Pagans and Wiccans with Disabilities or those that know a family member or friend with a disability can talk about any issues that concern them as well as share stories and offer tips, advice, and support.
Wiccan Together Com
Real Pagan Net

Over Jana

Wicca is mijn religie, achteraf gezien is dat altijd al zo geweest. Ik heb het geluk gehad mensen te leren kennen waarmee het goed klikte. In 1984 hebben zij me ingewijd in een Gardnerian coven. Anders was ik alleen verder gegaan. Mijn ideeën over de rol van man en vrouw komen in wicca terug. Zo ook mijn ideeën over het belang van natuur en milieu: ik vier de jaarfeesten en eet de groenten van het seizoen. En de Wiccan Rede ('Doe wat je wilt, mits het niemand schaadt') was al mijn lijfspreuk voor ik wicca leerde kennen.
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