Review: In Our Right Minds

In Our Right Minds: On the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity’s Natural Balance
By Dale Allen,  Publisher: ‎ Dale Allen Productions (March 18, 2024)
Also available from Anazin-  Kindle Scribe, the version I downloaded. ASIN: B0CYJ4DL9V  or paperback ISBN ‎ 979-8990042216

Press release FAIRFIELD, CT, MARCH 21, 2024 – Veteran of corporate and commercial communications, host, interviewer, and filmmaker Dale Allen has now released her new book, In Our Right Minds: On the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity’s Natural Balance. This new book is an in-depth exploration of the sacred feminine and its power to heal humanity as a whole. Sharing her profound journey of exploring the goddess archetype, the author combines science, art, and history for a transcendent literary journey.

In Our Right Minds is a highly comprehensive book that takes readers on a transformative and eye-opening voyage. In addition to deeply personal poetry and profound art, the book combines psychology, history, sociology, anthropology, and myth to shed new light on the fabric of human existence, thus helping readers understand humanity’s innate purpose. The book takes a deep dive into the goddess archetype and uses the work of several notable scholars to explore humanity’s history before the gender hierarchy. By tapping into the divine inner wisdom of their right brain and understanding its link to the sacred feminine, readers can begin to grasp what humanity’s true natural balance feels like. This alteration of perspective can help people from all walks of life open the doors to true healing and growth.

Dale Allen is a firm believer in the reparative power of the sacred feminine. As a public speaker and performer, she has captivated audiences all across the globe. She has spent 25 years promoting her thought-provoking work titled In Our Right Minds. Having first gained attention as a musical theatre show, it has grown and taken on various mediums. After receiving acclaim as a multimedia dynamic presentation, a one-woman show, and an award-winning film, In Our Right Minds is now a highly anticipated book.”

I became aware of Dale’s work at the PWR/ Parliament of the World’s Religions (Film Festival) in Chicago in 2023. I later subscribed to her newsletter and recently saw the above press release. I decided to download the book using the Kindle app. I haven’t had the chance to read it all but my first impressions are more than favourable.

“The feminine face of the Divine has been missing for far too long. Thankfully The Mother has left a memory in all of us.”

Looking at the contents, all 14 chapters, – this looks like a handbook for anyone involved in interfaith (like me) who wants a timeline and historical background to the concept of the Divine Feminine. But more than that, as the title suggests it is about (Ch. 4) “The World according to our Left Brain, Right Brain”. And (Ch. 8)  “The ABC’s of the Dominance of the Left Brain”. We are given an insight into how the brain functions and why the Left Brain became dominant. Or why Intellect and the written word superseded Intuition and our instinctive ability to acquire knowledge.

Dale’s book goes a long way in reviving and awakening the memory ‘of the Mother in all of us.’  Highly recommended.

Further references:



YouTube: “In Our Right Minds” Trailer with Audience Reactions

Over Morgana

"Morgana is Anglo/Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. She is a practising Gardnerian HPS. Over the years, she has facilitated a variety of Wiccan groups. She is co-editor of the international and bilingual "Wiccan Rede" magazine, which was launched in 1980 and is coordinator of Silver Circle, a Wiccan network in the Netherlands. As International Coordinator for PFI she travels extensively giving talks and workshops about Wicca and Paganism."
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