Websites – Winter 2010

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Ceisiwr Serith’s Home Page

The author of The Pagan Family and A Book of Pagan Prayer started this website in 2003. In the Wicca-section there are only four entries, most recently updated in 2005. But they shed some light on the origin of important texts in wicca. “These essays are about Traditional Wicca. Gardner wove together some very diverse threads when he created his religion. This is my contribution to their untangling.” But check the section on Proto-Indo-Europeans and – among other subjects – their deities, rituals and altars. Other specialties of this writer include ‘The Pagan Family’, ‘Prayers’ and ‘Suggested Reading’. The ‘And The Rest’ section includes a lot of light bulb jokes. More than I’ve ever seen in one place, and they do not only tell us how many Pagans it takes to change a light bulb, but also how many scientists, musicians, Trekkers, and citizens of different states.

The Druid Network
“Inspiring, Informing, Facilitating”. This is the Druid organization that received charity status and on the website you can find what Druidry is, what projects and fundings the network is actively involved in and how to find a Druid from the network. Events in Britain and Europe are summed up and there’s a Podcast section. The ‘Expressions of Druidry’ section contains poems and verse in ‘Bardic Voices’, thoughts on civil liberties, on the environment and ethical living and articles and ideas about the Pagan Prison Chaplaincy in Britain and the USA.

Green Egg Magazine
“GREEN EGG is the official Journal of the Church of All Worlds. Its mission is to save the world for those of us who like it here and plan to be back, life after life. GREEN EGG is a mirror which shows how wonderful are Gaia’s children, each and all, and how we blaze with intelligent passion as we waken and heal ourselves, each other, and our Mother.”
In 2001, financial circumstances forced the closure of the magazine. Green Egg Magazine returned as an online publication. On the website the magazines can be downloaded in PDF format (current issue 14 MB!). Apparently it started online with the Ostara 2007 issue, but several back issues from 1994 to 1996 are available too. The October 2010 issue has articles on the Religious Right in the United States and an article about ‘Witchcraft in the Last Days’, which is a critical review of an article found elsewhere. Both quite disturbing. Then there’s an article on pharmaceutical mushrooms – NOT for lay people – and some loving obituaries for people and a black cat. The latter reminded me strongly of an article in PanGaia or its successor, Witches and Pagans.

Madam Mikmak eigenstart
Een startpagina met links naar soms verrassende websites op het gebied van paganisme. Je vindt niet overal een overzicht van tijdschriften, radio- en tv-programma’s die ‘pagangerelateerd’ zijn, hier wel. Ook blogs en websites van een aantal heksen, diverse fora en organisaties en in de rubriek ‘Bewust leven’: “Info over voeding, cosmetica, milieubewust leven e.d.”.

“Labyrinths & Mazes Resource Centre, Photo Library & Archive”. “Labyrinthos was founded in 2000 by Jeff Saward & Kimberly Lowelle Saward to provide an information resource for those working with labyrinths and mazes. We have an extensive photographic & illustration library and archive and offer professional maze and labyrinth design and construction, consultation and services for owners, designers, publishers and producers, etc.”
Also on the website: information on Caerdroia, the Journal of Mazes & Labyrinths, books and other publications and links.

Design your own maze
Or: how to have fun with mazes, on paper, in 3D or on flat surfaces. An interactive webpage helps you design one. Click on the ‘Recommended books page’ for more introduction of mazes, or start on the intro page (the main entrance to this site). Tip: click on the Index to all Jo Edkins’ webpages. There may be more subjects of interest to you!

Law Enforcement Guide
“This is the Law Enforcement Guide to Witchcraft, Wicca and other Earth Religions, telling what law enforcement agencies need to know about Witchcraft, Wicca and Neo-Paganism.
We hope, by publishing this on-line manual, to give Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement agencies in the United States, a proper understanding of Earth Religions herein described as Pagan, Neopagan, Witchcraft and Wicca. We hope by this endeavor, to counteract the tendency of Police and News Media, Christian churches and others, to automatically associate psychotic events or claimed Satanic rites with the practices of those life-affirming beliefs. Hopefully it will also defuse the inflammatory rhetoric that religious right fundamentalists use to scare the public for their own misguided reasons.”
“We have included sections on Witchcraft, Wicca, Neo-Pagan religions, Satanism, Santeria, Voodoo, Recommended Books, and On-Line resources.”

Hemel waarnemen
De sterrenhemel voor Nederland en België, de maanfasen in 2011 en de komende jaren, de planeten, actuele hemelverschijnselen, hoe laat zon en maan opkomen en ondergaan, en overal uitleg bij. Voor de liefhebbers van de voormalige pagina 718 van Teletekst (zon, maan en sterren).

Over Jana

Wicca is mijn religie, achteraf gezien is dat altijd al zo geweest. Ik heb het geluk gehad mensen te leren kennen waarmee het goed klikte. In 1984 hebben zij me ingewijd in een Gardnerian coven. Anders was ik alleen verder gegaan. Mijn ideeën over de rol van man en vrouw komen in wicca terug. Zo ook mijn ideeën over het belang van natuur en milieu: ik vier de jaarfeesten en eet de groenten van het seizoen. En de Wiccan Rede ('Doe wat je wilt, mits het niemand schaadt') was al mijn lijfspreuk voor ik wicca leerde kennen.
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