Moons, Sabbats and Esbats 2015

SC moon

De tijden zijn in MET: Midden-Europese Tijd.
The times are in CET: Central European Time. That is UTC+ 1 hour.

Moon, Sabbat or Esbat Datum
nieuwe maan: Ice Moon Monday December 22, (2014) 02:36
volle maan: Ice Moon Monday January 5, 05:53
nieuwe maan: Snow Moon Tuesday January 20, 14:14
Imbolc  (vooravond is 31 januari) Sunday February 1, 17:07
volle maan: Snow moon Wednesday February 4, 00:09
nieuwe maan: Death Moon Thursday February 19, 00:47
volle maan: Death Moon Thursday March 5, 19:05
nieuwe maan: Awakening Moon Friday March 20, 10:36
Spring equinox Friday March 20, 23:45
volle maan: Awakening Moon Saturday April 4, 14:05
nieuwe maan: Grass Moon Saturday April 18, 20:57
Beltane (vooravond is 30 april) Thursday April 30, 20:43
volle maan: Grass Moon Monday May 4, 05:42
nieuwe maan: Planting Moon Monday May 18, 06:13
volle maan: Planting Moon Tuesday June 2, 18:19
nieuwe maan: Rose Moon Tuesday June 16, 16:05
Litha/zomerzonnewende Sunday June 21, 18:38
volle maan: Rose Moon Thursday July 2, 04:20
nieuwe maan: Lightning Moon Thursday July 16, 03:24
volle maan: Lightning Moon Friday July 31, 12:43
Lughnasadh (zonsondergang) Friday July 31, 21:12
nieuwe maan: Harvest Moon Friday August 14, 16:53
volle maan: Harvest Moon   Saturday August 29, 20:35
nieuwe maan: Hunters Moon Sunday September 13, 08:41
Autumn equinox Wednesday September 23, 10:21
volle maan: Hunters Moon Monday September 28, 04:50
nieuwe maan: Blood Moon Tuesday October 13, 02:06
volle maan: Blood Moon Tuesday October 27, 13:05
Samhain (zonsondergang) Saturday October 31, 16:54
nieuwe maan: Tree Moon Wednesday November 11, 18:47
Volle maan: Tree Moon Wednesday November 25, 23:44
nieuwe maan: Long Night Moon Friday December 11, 11:29
Yule/winterzonnewende Tuesday December 22, 05:48
volle maan: Long Night Moon Friday December 25, 12:11

9 reacties op Moons, Sabbats and Esbats 2015

  1. Bas schreef:

    I just noticed that you put Imbolc at Sunday February 1, 17:07. The Februari 1 part I understand; the Greater Sabbats all have formal Julian dates instead of actual solar alignments. But why the 17:07 CET timestamp?

    According to my data, the Sun aligns with 15° Aquarius on Februari 4, 2015, at 04:45 CET (03:45 UTC).

    • Jana schreef:

      The times at the Cross Quarter Days are those of the sunsets on these days. As they are given in the Silver Circle Moon Calendar. I see that 17.07 is out of line with the time of sunset given elsewhere for sunset on February 1, 2015, but this is the time that the calendar gives (click on”Sabbaths”) and we cannot ask Merlin anymore about it.

  2. Bas schreef:

    Times are in MET, not UTC/GMT!

  3. Jolanda schreef:

    I thought a tree moon is the moon between the 10th and 20th of December. And shouldn’t the first moon of 2015 be the Moon of the longest night? I’m a bit confused now, because I see different namen on other websites.

  4. Betty den Brinker schreef:

    Thanks, its a special time for me. I was born at december 28 at full moon.
    Blessed Be

  5. Lily schreef:

    Dank je.


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