Auteursarchieven: Morgana

Over Morgana

"Morgana is Anglo/Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. She is a practising Gardnerian HPS. Over the years, she has facilitated a variety of Wiccan groups. She is co-editor of the international and bilingual "Wiccan Rede" magazine, which was launched in 1980 and is coordinator of Silver Circle, a Wiccan network in the Netherlands. As International Coordinator for PFI she travels extensively giving talks and workshops about Wicca and Paganism."

Flash from the past… ‘The Mara Papers – special edition – 20 years and beyond… part 19’

How did it all start? Wiccan Rede certainly has been a labour of love, from 1979/1980, up till this view back in 1999, and today. Lees verder

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Review: Mystai – dancing out the mysteries of Dionysos

Peter Mark Adams writes about an unbroken initiatic tradition of Bacchic mystery rites on the Italian peninsula and especially the role of the priestesses. Lees verder

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Weekend workshop: Connecting to Spirits of Land

Join us in this experiential, participatory workshop where we will work to learn tools to open our senses to what these spirits might have to tell us, to build relationships, and to deepen those that we already have. Lees verder

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A tribute to Michael Thorn – February 21, 1956 – 16 August 2019

A builder of bridges across communities, Michael Thorn was active in leadership roles in Pagan organizations. People share their memories of him. Lees verder

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Review: Circle for Hekate – Vol 1: History & Mythology

The goddess Hekate is one of the most ancient Pagan goddesses, closely linked to the worship of the Great Mother Goddess, as well as with the Mysteries of the Grain Goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. She was worshipped alongside gods such as Zeus, Hermes, Apollo and honoured at entranceways and crossroads. Lees verder

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Review: The Pagan Heart of the West

Pagan Heart emphasizes that the ancient gods did not die when Christian authorities forbade their worship, but instead that they continue to exist and thrive. Lees verder

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Review: New Wings for Daedalus

This never-before-published tour de force provides a masterful description of both Reich’s theory and clinical practice. Lees verder

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CD Review: White Swan Dreaming

Alanna Moore’s songs pay homage to Irish myths and paradigms that held sway long before the current era. For this songwriter and professional geomancer, the parallel indigenous perspectives of both sides of the world still hold currency today. Lees verder

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Zomer in Nederland – St. Servaasbasiliek, Maastricht

Een haast vergeten gem in nederland – Sint Servaasbasiliek in Maastricht, met een bijzonder labyrint… en Mozes met horens… Een fotogalerij: For more information about the Basilica of Saint Servatius: And about ‘Moses with horns’  

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Review: Sekhmet and Bastet: The Feline Powers of Egypt

In this new book Lesley Jackson continues her research of Egyptian deities in the form of the feline goddesses, Sekhmet and Bastet. Lees verder

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