Tag archieven: folklore

Review: Wudewasa

The artistic projects of New Zealander Matthew Cowan are inspired by European folk traditions, with a contemporary and humorous twist. Lees verder

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How is the cosmos perceived according to the Bulgarian folk belief?

According to Bulgarian folk belief the sky reflects life on earth. According to some legends the sky was once quite low and near to the earth and people could touch it with their hands. The unity of the sky and earth perceived as marriage is what brings fertility and rain. Lees verder

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Seasonal Rituals and Folklore – The Burning of the Clavie, January 11 – Burghead, Scotland

Held on January 11 this annual New Years’ ritual is performed in the Scottish town of Burghead. It is part of the same festivities as “First footing”, all to do with welcoming the New Year in and bringing good luck. Lees verder

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Saint Agatha: A Feast of Lights in Basque Folklore

In the Basque Country – even though St. Brigid is present as well – the attention in the first period of Spring is focused on Saint Agathe, patroness of the Basque Country. Lees verder

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Review: The Witches’ Herbal

Guide to the subject of magical herbalism in three parts: a concise history, a comprehenisve A-Z herbal and plant glossary and British trees. Lees verder

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Review: Witchcraft in Yorkshire

Facsimile of the 1973 book which was an early effort by one of the first publicly announced practitioners to contribute to a fuller picture of the witch, and of witchcraft. Lees verder

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Review: The Faerie Queens

Last year I seemed to be tripping over the name ‘Melusine’ and the connection of the Faerie Queens to the European Royal families. David Rankine told me about the book that he and Sorita d’Este had edited: The Faerie Queens. What a delightful book! Lees verder

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Recensie: Planten en hun legenden

Verhalen over 200 planten die voorkomen in mythologie en folklore, en die te zien zijn in de Legendeplantentuin van het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum. Lees verder

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