Tag archieven: Wicca

Review: Witchcraft Today – 60 Years On

An anthology published in celebration of the 60th anniversary of Gerald Gardner’s seminal work, Witchcraft Today, published in 1954. Lees verder

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Interview with Julian Vayne & Steve Dee – part 1

Morgana meets with the co-authors of the book Chaos Magic, talking with them about ‘Slow Chaos’, psychology, mindfulness, etc. Lees verder

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Interview with Julian Vayne & Steve Dee – Part 2

Morgana meets with the co-authors of the book Chaos Magic, talking with them about ‘Slow Chaos’, psychology, mindfulness, group work, the colours of magic, diversity, etc. Lees verder

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Review: Chaos Craft

First impressions of the book by Julian Vayne & Steve Dee. Lees verder

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Review: Lifting the Veil

A book written to fill an existing gap in the currently available knowledge on trance, prophesy, deity-possession, and mediumship within the neo-Pagan and Wiccan communities. Lees verder

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The Guild Structure of British Traditional Wicca

There are parallels between the Wiccan degree system and the medieval guild structure. What can be said about skills, talents, and ‘power’ of the Wiccan degrees, compared to the apprentice, journeyman and master? Lees verder

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Review: Wicca – History, Belief, and Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft

Divided into three parts Doyle White briefly covers Wiccan History from the origins to the present day. Notable authors and practitioners are discussed as well as the impact of the social movements; Wiccan theology, ritual practice and Rites of Passage and so on and the Wiccan community and culture. Lees verder

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Review: Wicca Magickal Beginnings

Sorita & David have provided a fantastic book on the origins of the Wiccan Tradition . We reviewed in our paper edition, but it has since become a classic. Lees verder

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Review: Doreen Valiente Witch

Philip Heselton is perhaps the most qualified person to write the biography of Doreen Valiente. Although quite a lot is already known about Doreen’s life, Philip presents us in his inimitable style an in-depth account. Here we see her not only as a witch but as patriot and freedom fighter. Lees verder

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“Laat de verschillen maar duidelijk zijn.” Een interview met Bran

Bran was aangesloten bij Gardnerian wicca maar heeft zijn aandacht verlegd naar een vorm van boeddhisme. Hoe kijkt hij terug op wicca en wat kan hij meegeven aan heksen van nu? Lees verder

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