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Tag archieven: festivals
Danzas Brancas, Antroido, and the Renewal of Light
These traditions demonstrate that local celebrations are not merely echoes of the past but living expressions of spiritual principles resonating on a universal level. Lees verder
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Getagged Alex Sanders, Alexandrian Tradition, Antroido, Carlo Ginzburg, Danzas Brancas, Dion Fortune, festivals, folk music, folk traditions, folklore, Galicia, Imbolc, Janet Farrar, Maxine Sanders, Nigel Jackson, Portugal, Ronald Hutton, Stewart Farrar, Wicca, witchcraft
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Saint Agatha: A Feast of Lights in Basque Folklore
In the Basque Country – even though St. Brigid is present as well – the attention in the first period of Spring is focused on Saint Agathe, patroness of the Basque Country. Lees verder
Review: A Ceremony for Every Occasion
Ceremonies for the seasonal festivals, and for Rites of Passage: baby namings, handfastings and funeral ceremonies. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles
Getagged ceremonies, festivals, rites of passage, rituals
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: A Ceremony for Every Occasion
The Mara Papers, part 1 Polarity
One of the main principles of Craft philosophy is that of polarity. In fact understanding the principle of polarity can allow us to interpret many situations normally beyond our intellectual grip. It is not a static thing in which we see two opposite poles, rather the understanding that two extremes exist which cannot operate without each other. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged festivals, philosophy, polarity, ritual work, wheel of the year, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Mara Papers, part 1 Polarity
Review: Wiccan Celebrations
‘Wiccan Celebrations – Inspiration for Living by Nature’s Cycle’ is as well a sound introduction in the theory and practice of Wicca, as an inspired and inspirational set of ritual celebrations. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles
Getagged celebrations, festivals, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Wiccan Celebrations