Auteursarchieven: Nemain Cwmbran

The Morrigan Papers: Danu

Danu comes to us in different shapes and forms through different mythologies. What does She mean to Nemain? Lees verder

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De gouden halmen met sikkel gesneden

Gedicht Lees verder

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The Morrigan Papers – Anu

As she walked up to the world tree, she noticed that the wheat was ripe, and the wind rippled the crops, it whispered tales of long forgotten times, continuations, unions and futures to be born again… Lees verder

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Evolution of Being

Nemain reevaluates her name, and ponders on the meaning of Beltane. Lees verder

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The Morrigan Papers – continuation

Nemain discovered that the sequence of her writings was not correct, and made a glossary of her past writings and the writing subjects for the future. Lees verder

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The Morrigan Papers, part five

Sometimes you just need to write, and think, rewrite and think again. Why was I struggling with my feelings about my last writings? What was the Morrigan, in the form of Rhiannon, trying to make clear to me? Lees verder

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The Morrigan Papers, part 4

Bride has the talent of bringing forth life. That is the connection with midwifery. As a midwife you have to have ‘healing’ hands, use poetry to soothe and to ‘foresee’ the future of the child to be born. And when she reaches the age to become pregnant herself, she is literally the ‘blacksmith of men’. Lees verder

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A poem for Rhiannon. Lees verder

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Keltisch Colloquium 2014

Een persoonlijk verslag van een studiedag voor keltologen en geïnteresseerden. Lees verder

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The Promise of Bride

Poem inspired by Bride. Lees verder

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