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Tag archieven: Wicca
Mijn lieve heksje – an interview with Sorita d’Este
Morgana interviews Sorita d’Este about her childhood in South Africa, Avalonia Books and the projects she is working on.
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Geplaatst in English articles, Interviews
Getagged Avalonia, Hekate, Rite of Her Sacred Fires, Sorita d'Este, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Mijn lieve heksje – an interview with Sorita d’Este
Review: Hine’s Varieties – Chaos & Beyond
A rich variety of essays Phil Hine has written over the last 40-odd years. Lees verder
My Path to the Craft
There is an old saying in the Craft, ‘that a Witch is not usually financially wealthy but he or she will always feel rich, rich in experience, rich in knowledge and rich in the friends that they make along the path’. For Rhys it was the exceptional training that he received that opened up many doors.
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Getagged altered states of consciousness, Craft, personal transformation, Sabbats, training, wheel of the year, Wicca
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Wie niet vraagt, krijgt geen antwoord
Heb je van wicca/hekserij gehoord en vraag je je af of het iets voor jou is? Weet je zeker dat het de richting is die je op wilt, maar weet je niet hoe je dat aan kunt pakken? Is er iemand in je omgeving die heks wil worden, en wil je daar meer over weten? Stel je vragen, en meestal krijg je antwoord. Lees verder
Wicca, the Religion of Self-expression
Wicca is a simple religion. It is direct. There is little elaboration and above all it is what you make of it. We frequently call it a ‘do-it-yourself’ religion and that really describes the Craft in a nutshell. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles, Tijdloze teksten
Getagged mystery religion, nature, nature spirits, paganism, self-expression, Wicca
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The Art of Dealing with Ambiguity in the Craft
When you are confronted with something that is uncertain, and cannot figure it out — what do you do? Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged ambiguity, beginners, philosophy, tips, uncertainty, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Art of Dealing with Ambiguity in the Craft
Interview with Taloch, November 24, 2018
Morgana was curious to hear more about Taloch’s views on his ‘Magickal Philosophy’ and the plans for the “Wytches & Cunningfolk Camp” to be held in the Netherlands in 2019. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles, Interviews
Getagged Taloch, The Dolmen, Wicca, witchcraft
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Interview with Taloch, November 24, 2018
A Witch (Still) Amongst Us: Remembering Lois Bourne…
There is something very special about the Gardnerian Tradition. One of those things, to me, is that we still have people within our community who lived, and worked with, and knew Gerald Gardner. It makes it all more real to me somehow. … Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged Craft, Doreen Valiente, history, Lois Bourne, Wicca, witchcraft
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor A Witch (Still) Amongst Us: Remembering Lois Bourne…
Review: Traditional Wicca, ‘A Seeker’s Guide’ by Thorn Mooney
Thorn Mooney opens doors to seekers, not by writing about the subjects of most introductions on Wicca, but by posing the questions that are relevant, sharing her own experiences and struggles. A must-read for seekers and for teachers on Wicca. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies
Getagged beginners, seekers, traditional witchcraft, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Traditional Wicca, ‘A Seeker’s Guide’ by Thorn Mooney
“Use the Magick, Make a Change” – Magickal Philosophy Taloch Jameson
Taloch is not only a singer, songwriter, and the beating heart The Dolmen, but he is also a serious esoteric scientist, occult seeker, a cunning man, and Witch. The antler-crowned celebrant at Stonehenge seasonal observances is coming to The Netherlands again. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged cunning men, esoteric, folk music, paganism, Taloch, The Dolmen, Wicca, witchcraft
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