Auteursarchieven: Morgana

Over Morgana

"Morgana is Anglo/Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. She is a practising Gardnerian HPS. Over the years, she has facilitated a variety of Wiccan groups. She is co-editor of the international and bilingual "Wiccan Rede" magazine, which was launched in 1980 and is coordinator of Silver Circle, a Wiccan network in the Netherlands. As International Coordinator for PFI she travels extensively giving talks and workshops about Wicca and Paganism."

Review: Here Be Magick – The People and Practices of the Coven of Atho

An account of ‘eccentricity and Witchcraft in the 1950s and 60s’, in the persons of Charles Cardell and Ray Howard. It explores their fascinating lives and examines their writings and relationships with other witches including Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente. Lees verder

Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies | Getagged , , , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Here Be Magick – The People and Practices of the Coven of Atho

So potent art, an interview with Emily Carding

Morgana spoke with Emily Carding about, amongst other things, Shakespeare, the world of the elves, Hekate and current affairs. Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles, Interviews | Getagged , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor So potent art, an interview with Emily Carding

Holy week processions in Santiago de Compostela… and the curious case of the cofradia

Morgana was in Santiago de Compostela during ‘Holy Week/ Semana Santa’, leading up to Easter. She wanted to find out more about the people involved, and of course if there were any pagan elements. Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles | Getagged , , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Holy week processions in Santiago de Compostela… and the curious case of the cofradia

Review: The Power of the Healing Field

Apart from being a story on the journey of the author and his partner, as they develop their own techniques, it is an invitation to everyone to explore their own path and embark on their own spiritual quest ‘for emotional and spiritual well-being’. Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles, Recensies | Getagged , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: The Power of the Healing Field

Review: Contemporary Witchcraft: Foundational Practices for a Magical Life

Frances Billinghurst likes to provide her students with a foundation upon which they can build their craft. Something that is missing in a lot of modern books. If you wish to embrace contemporary witchcraft as your spiritual path, these practices are important.
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Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies | Getagged , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Contemporary Witchcraft: Foundational Practices for a Magical Life

Review: The Last Witches of England

This book is a history of Bideford, and of the last three – poor – women executed as witches in England, in the late 1600’s.
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Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies | Getagged , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: The Last Witches of England

A magical encounter in Spain… the Pomegranate, symbol of Granada

Morgana made a trip to Granada, Spain, where the pomegranate is often used as a symbol. Is it really the ‘apple-of-granada’? And what about the mythological significance of the pomegranate? Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles | Getagged , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor A magical encounter in Spain… the Pomegranate, symbol of Granada

Nehalennia, Goddess of the Lowlands

Nehalennia is by far the most famous indigenous goddess of the Netherlands but is virtually unknown, although there is a renewed interest in her. Morgana cites recent research work and gives her own observations. Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles | Getagged , , , , , | 2 reacties

Recensie: Nieuw licht op Nehalennia

Annine van der Meer doet met haar boek recht aan de Godin Nehalennia, door haar te begrijpen vanuit een internationale context en door gebruik te maken van de meest recente wetenschappelijke inzichten. Lees verder

Geplaatst in Boeken, Recensies | Getagged , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Recensie: Nieuw licht op Nehalennia

Review: God Is Dead, Long Live the Gods: A Case for Polytheism

Gus diZerega explores contemporary science to show why consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality and why polytheistic experiences are as varied as the vast array of living organisms that enrich our world.
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Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies | Getagged , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: God Is Dead, Long Live the Gods: A Case for Polytheism