Auteursarchieven: Morgana

Over Morgana

"Morgana is Anglo/Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. She is a practising Gardnerian HPS. Over the years, she has facilitated a variety of Wiccan groups. She is co-editor of the international and bilingual "Wiccan Rede" magazine, which was launched in 1980 and is coordinator of Silver Circle, a Wiccan network in the Netherlands. As International Coordinator for PFI she travels extensively giving talks and workshops about Wicca and Paganism."

Honouring Jane Goodall, celebrating her 90th birthday

Jane Goodall celebrated her 90th birthday in the Hague, with information on her work and the short documentary ‘Reasons for Hope’, the youth program ‘Roots & Shoots’, and exemples of succesfull conservation, rewilding and regreening. Lees verder

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Review: In Our Right Minds

An in-depth exploration of the sacred feminine and its power to heal humanity as a whole. Lees verder

Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies | Getagged , , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: In Our Right Minds

“I had no doubt that the gods accepted my sexuality” – Mo Batchelor on social change and the Craft

Morgana asked Mo Batchelor about his views on sexuality, gender, and social change. How did he as a gay man in the seventies experience the Craft, and how does he feel about present-day discussions of gender identity? Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles, Interviews | Getagged , , , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor “I had no doubt that the gods accepted my sexuality” – Mo Batchelor on social change and the Craft

Legend of the Green Snake

Morgana was inspired by a visit to Rwanda to create a story, a legend of the Green Snake, loved and feared by Rwandans. Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles | Getagged , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Legend of the Green Snake

Review: Two Esoteric Tarots

In this fascinating conversation the authors compare their journeys of discovery into two wildly contrasting tarot decks, the Sola-Busca Tarocchi and the popular Tarot de Marseille. Lees verder

Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Interviews, Recensies | Getagged , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Two Esoteric Tarots

The Samhain God Charge… or why accreditation is important

For years Morgana has been looking for the origin of the poem usually referred to as ‘The Samhain God Charge’. This article is about the how and why of this search. Lees verder

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Blood Moon & Samhain, October 28/31, 2023

A ritual for this special moment when the Blood Moon almost coincides with Samhain, with a pathworking and the poem that starts with the lines ‘I am the God who waits / In the dead of the Year, in the Dark of life’. Lees verder

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Silver Circle Autumn Gathering – honouring our ancestors

On November 4th 2023, Silver Circle will be Honouring our Ancestors’ with an Autumn Gathering in Lunteren. During our opening ceremony, friends will be invited to honour and remember our beloved ones and ancestors. Lees verder

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Donaties ten behoeve van Silver Circle en Wiccan Rede Online

Silver Circle en Wiccan Rede Online worden volledig verzorgd door vrijwilligers en op basis van donaties. Help ons online te houden! Lees verder

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Review: Chaos Monk – Bringing Magical Creativity to the New Monastic Path

Expanding on the practices Steve talked about in ‘Chaos Craft’ he now delves much deeper. Via several exercises & techniques, he helps us to become equipped as a Monk, in the classic sense. Lees verder

Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies | Getagged , , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Chaos Monk – Bringing Magical Creativity to the New Monastic Path