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Auteursarchieven: Gast auteurs
Review: The Visions of Isobel Gowdie
Emma Wilby: The Visions of Isobel Gowdie – Magic, Witchcraft and Dark Shamanism in Seventeenth-Century Scotland. A review. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies
Getagged cunning folk, history, Scotland
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There’s a rite way to do it
There’s a rite way to do it… and that is to start with something simple. This ritual to achieve ‘organisation’ in oneself can be performed by a comparative new-comer without coming to too much harm. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged ritual work
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Witchcraft in the Northern Tradition – Russian version Ведовство в Северной Традиции
This is the original version in Russian of the article on Witchcraft in the Northern Tradition. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Artikelen
Getagged Northern Tradition, Russian, witchcraft
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Witchcraft in the Northern Tradition – Russian version Ведовство в Северной Традиции
Witchcraft in the Northern Tradition – Translation of Ведовство в Северной Традиции
Discussed in this article are the ‘magical’ traditions of the North. This is a translation of the original article in Russian, also published in this issue of Wiccan Rede Online. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged Galdr, magie, Noordse traditie, Northern Tradition, Seidr, Skaldizm, Trot
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Witchcraft in the Northern Tradition – Translation of Ведовство в Северной Традиции
The Dolmen … Pagan Celtic Rock!
The Dolmen are a Weymouth, Dorset, UK Celtic/folk-rock band that incorporate elements of Celtic, folk, pagan-themed, and historically based musical works into their largely original repertoire. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles, Muziek
Getagged folk music, music, The Dolmen
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Dolmen … Pagan Celtic Rock!
‘Before, Chaos, and After’ – an Interview with Phil Hine
‘Before, Chaos, and After’ – an Interview with Phil Hine
Christopher Blackwell interviewed Phil Hine, of whom we reviewed three books in the Lammas issue. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged chaos, Phil Hine
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Before, Chaos, and After’ – an Interview with Phil Hine