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Tag archieven: Silver Circle
Silver Circle 45th Anniversary – March 15, 2025
On Saturday March 15, 2025 we will be celebrating our 45th Anniversary. This time we will be gathering together in the Centre of Utrecht, at the Central Library. We will also be celebrating the launch of ‘Wiccan Rede’, Spring Equinox … Lees verder
Geplaatst in Artikelen, English articles, Nieuws
Getagged 45-jarig bestaan, 45th anniversary, Jubilee, jubileum, Silver Circle, Wiccan Rede, Wiccan Rede Online
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Silver Circle Autumn Gathering – honouring our ancestors
On November 4th 2023, Silver Circle will be Honouring our Ancestors’ with an Autumn Gathering in Lunteren. During our opening ceremony, friends will be invited to honour and remember our beloved ones and ancestors. Lees verder
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Getagged Autumn Gathering, Silver Circle
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Donaties ten behoeve van Silver Circle en Wiccan Rede Online
Silver Circle en Wiccan Rede Online worden volledig verzorgd door vrijwilligers en op basis van donaties. Help ons online te houden! Lees verder
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Getagged donaties, Silver Circle, Stichting Silver Circle, Wiccan Rede Online, WRO
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Donaties ten behoeve van Silver Circle en Wiccan Rede Online
Wicca – A Mystery Tradition and the Great Work
Wicca can be many things, but one way of experiencing it is as a mystery tradition. But what does this mean? In this talk Rhys answered this question and also considered what is meant by the Great Work and how this can be the process that leads to mystical experience. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged English, Great Work, magical tradition, Mystery, Silver Circle, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Wicca – A Mystery Tradition and the Great Work
Margaret Murray Reappraised
A hundred years after the publication of The Witch Cult in Western Europe, A Study in Anthropology increasing amounts of scholars are taking notice of Murray, and reappraising her. Lees verder
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Getagged history, Margaret Murray, Silver Circle, witchcraft
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Truly global – memories of Gwiddon Harveston
Memories and contemplations on the occasion of 40 years Wiccan Rede and Silver Circle. Lees verder
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Getagged Gwiddon Harveston, jubileum, Russia, Silver Circle
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My Magical Thing – Morgana
In a recording, Morgana tells the story of how her pendant became the Silver Circle logo. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged history of Silver Circle, Merlin and Morgana, Morgana Sythove, SC logo, Silver Circle
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Silver Circle 40th Jubilee
40 years ago Wiccan Rede magazine was launched. Come and join us in the celebration!
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Geplaatst in Artikelen, English articles
Getagged 40-years, Jubilee, Silver Circle, Wiccan Rede
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Sfeerimpressie release DVD Heksen in Holland
Al een tijd doken er steeds een camera en microfoon op waar Silver Circle was. Het bleek onderdeel van een groot project waarin alles zijn plaats kreeg. Op een speciale locatie werd tenslotte de DVD gepresenteerd, zo vertelt ~CC~ op geheel eigen wijze. Lees verder
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Getagged documentaire, Heksen in Holland, jubileum, Silver Circle
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Sfeerimpressie release DVD Heksen in Holland
Verslag Grand Heksencafé, 14 September 2014
In september hielden we een bijeenkomst met als doel om een startbedrag binnen te halen voor het maken van een documentaire over Wicca in Nederland. Lees verder