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Tag archieven: politics
“I had no doubt that the gods accepted my sexuality” – Mo Batchelor on social change and the Craft
Morgana asked Mo Batchelor about his views on sexuality, gender, and social change. How did he as a gay man in the seventies experience the Craft, and how does he feel about present-day discussions of gender identity? Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles, Interviews
Getagged gender, homosexuality, identity, nature, politics, social activism
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor “I had no doubt that the gods accepted my sexuality” – Mo Batchelor on social change and the Craft
Review: A Beautiful Resistance – The Fire Is Here
A Beautiful Resistance is the journal of Gods & Radicals, who combine pagan spirituality and radical politics to challenge established power structures. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles
Getagged anarchism, periodicals, politics
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: A Beautiful Resistance – The Fire Is Here
Activism, interfaith and tradition – a pagan perspective; an interview with Morgana
Morgana is a Pagan activist, a PFI international coordinator and a Gardnerian Priestess. Less is known about her interfaith initiatives and her role in academic study of Paganism. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles, Interviews
Getagged activism, culture, Europe, interfaith, pagan studies, politics, Russia, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Activism, interfaith and tradition – a pagan perspective; an interview with Morgana
GOD-Dess Capital-ISM: How poor women smuggled markets & freedom into Vietnam surrounding communism and changed it to a freer society – Part 1
In some communist countries there is nothing but ‘patriotic’ parades, rallies and displays of martial power. But there are exceptions as celebrations and ceremonies are older than governments. And these exceptions can change rules, even in Vietnam. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged Goddesses, Lady of the Realm, paganism, politics, Vietnam
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor GOD-Dess Capital-ISM: How poor women smuggled markets & freedom into Vietnam surrounding communism and changed it to a freer society – Part 1