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Auteursarchieven: Thorn Nightwind
Witchcraft, the New Forest & Sybil Leek, Stories from my Elders
On the Silver Circle Autumn online gathering, Thorn Nightbird shared stories and anecdotes about Sybil Leek, and explains about how he practises two traditions of Witchcraft. Lees verder
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Getagged Horsa Tradition, New Forest, Sacred Pentagraph Tradition, Silver Circle gathering, Sybil Leek, Tarostar
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Witchcraft, the New Forest & Sybil Leek, Stories from my Elders
Water Witchin’, Magic Wands & Telekinesis
Water-Witchin’ was once a way of finding water underground in order to dig a well. But cutting wands or rods was used for a variety of purposes; divination and commanding spiritual intelligences and elementals seems to be a common theme throughout the history and practice of magic. Lees verder
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Getagged blasting rods, divination, dowsing, telekinesis, water divination
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Water Witchin’, Magic Wands & Telekinesis
The Esbat Rituals of a Coven
How often do witches today meet and what is an Esbat centred or based on? The prime importance of an Esbat may be the workings of sorcery and talismanic magic. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged covens, esbats, lunar cycle, magical practice, Wolfa Coven
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Esbat Rituals of a Coven
The Witches Cauldron and fluid condensers
To folks outside of the religion of Witchcraft the cauldron is one of the most recognizable tools of the trade. Many Halloween images and television shows make it a central figure in programs concerning witchcraft, so why would modern witches not discuss the cauldron in books, blogs and in talks? Lees verder
Nature Spirits and Drumming – the effects of music, voice, drums and instruments in ritual
Archangels do not come or answer when invoked by drumming. Other nature spirits do. Why is that, and what do archangels need to manifest? Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged angels, drums, mummial magic, nature spirits
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nature Spirits and Drumming – the effects of music, voice, drums and instruments in ritual
My Inspiration: Sybil Leek
Seemingly unrelated subjects like how to meditate; how some forms of magic come instinctually; and how in nature, what seems to be the most simple is often the most profound, lead to the observation of the impact of Sybil Leek on Thorn Nightwinds life. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged healing magic, influences, meditation
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor My Inspiration: Sybil Leek
Spells, Rituals and Meditations in the Darkness
While magic happens at all times of the day, the rituals, spells, and meditations are typically performed by our coven after dark this time of year. So what are some of the things that our own coven may do as we go “into the dark…?” One thing that our coven enjoys doing on some years is a full-ceremonial Dumb Supper. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged dark, fortune-telling, ghosts, Hallowe'en, night, Samhain
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The Dark Night of the Soul
What does this concept mean to us following an esoteric path within the Ancient Wisdom Traditions? Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged esotericism, inspiration, mysticism
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Dark Night of the Soul