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Auteursarchieven: Morgana
Introducing Tim Ozpagan Hartridge
Tim’s mission is simple: to help others transform Witchcraft from an interest into a meaningful, authentic practice. His workshops and resources empower students to embrace their unique magickal path and awaken the Witch-within. Lees verder
Review: A Year of Sacred Trees
A workbook intended to be used throughout the year, that can help us to write our own full moon rituals using the folklore of The British Isles and Western Europe. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies
Getagged full moon, lunar calendar, meditation, poems, sacred energy, sacred trees
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Spirituality and the Earth… and Spiritual Resilience
How do we cope with the destruction of the environment? Spiritual resilience is about maintaining a sense of purpose and meaning, even during tough times. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged interfaith, multifaith, natural energies, nature, spiritual resilience, spirituality
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Spirituality and the Earth… and Spiritual Resilience
Review: To All The Blessed Gods: An Anthology of the Living Orphic Tradition
Contains rituals/poems of the Orphic tradition in 12 chapters highlighting a particular god, goddess or traditional practice Orphic, Spirits of Nature and so on. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies
Getagged Greek gods, Hekate, Hellenic Gods, Orphic Tradition, Theoi
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: To All The Blessed Gods: An Anthology of the Living Orphic Tradition
Gerald Gardner and Indonesian Influences – part 2: Honouring our Ancestors
During the Silver Circle event ‘Honouring our Ancestors’, Morgana gave a presentation about ‘Gerald Gardner & Indonesian Influences’. Rich and Ivonne, from Stichting Aliran, continued the story with more about ‘The Kris & Javanese Mysticism’. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged athame, folklore, Gerald Gardner, Indonesia, keris, kris, Malaysia
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Gerald Gardner and Indonesian Influences – part 2: Honouring our Ancestors
Commitment – a Wiccan perspective
How does ‘commitment’ relate to the Craft and what impact does it have on our connection to the Craft? Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged commitment, dedication, oaths, philosophy, the Wiccan Rede, Wicca
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Commitment – a Wiccan perspective
Sustainability in the Ancient World – and the Case of Bees
The Bee was also domesticated before the dog. Humans have kept honey bees, Apis mellifera, in artificial hives for over 7000 years. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged Ancient World, ecology, Romans, sustainability
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Sustainability in the Ancient World – and the Case of Bees
Een gesprek met Joyce Hellendoorn
Joyce schreef haar boek ‘De Roep van de Wilde Vrouw’ over het verborgen vrouwelijke, dat wat vaak wordt weg-geborgen, de angst voor onze eigen kracht. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Artikelen, Boeken
Getagged natuur, vrouwenkracht, wilde vrouw
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Een gesprek met Joyce Hellendoorn
Beltane and Raging Hormones
May Eve is probably the most joyous of all the festivals and the emphasis is very much on ‘merry-making’. On the Wheel of Life Beltane corresponds to puberty and adolescence, with the physical changes and the ‘raging hormones’ of that time. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged Beltane, folklore, Maid Marian, pagan, Robin
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Beltane and Raging Hormones
Reviews: “Letting Glow” and “Glowing Deeper”
In these two books, Phill Webster leads us through his journey and account of grief during the global COVID-19 pandemic, when he lost his mother. He asks, “What if mystical experiences are real?” Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies
Getagged covid-19, grief, mediumship, spirituality
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Reviews: “Letting Glow” and “Glowing Deeper”