Auteursarchieven: Gast auteurs

Pagan Federation International Conferentie 2012

Elk voorjaar houdt de PFI (Pagan Federation Internationaal) Nederland een jaarlijkse bijeenkomst. Dit keer in een andere locatie dan voorheen. Een impressie van de dag door onze nieuwe medewerkster. Lees verder

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Meer over Mede

Over de geschiedenis en de mythologie van de honingdrank mede. Lees verder

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To and From the Land of the Dead

The locations known as heaven and hell are by no means common to all. The focus of this book is the shamanic concept of the Land of the Dead. Lees verder

Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies | Getagged , , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor To and From the Land of the Dead

‘Whispering Winds’: The Dolmen

The latest album offering from those perennial Celtic rockers The Dolmen, entitled Whispering Winds is, in many ways, a journey back to their early folk roots with ten of the fourteen tracks being ’traditional’ songs. Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles, Muziek | Getagged , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ‘Whispering Winds’: The Dolmen

Stones Are People Too…

We all know how to get acquainted with other people. What if we made an analogy between getting to know people, and better understanding our Stones? Why? Because Stones are people too… Lees verder

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Your Own Celebrations of Winter

Can you feel the chill in your bones? In the coldest, darkest of times, perhaps that’s when we enjoy warmth the most…. Winter’s Chill From Autumn’s gentle cool, we turn to the extreme of Winter. Winter sorts out those things … Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles | Getagged , | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Your Own Celebrations of Winter

Lady Margaret’s Journey of No Return

It is highly likely that a number of what we know as fairy tales, as well as ballads, were in fact once accounts of shamanic journeys. See this example… Lees verder

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The Laidly Worm and Kemp Owyne

The Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh is a traditional tale about a princess who changes into a dragon (the “laidly worm” of the title). Interesting are the references to ’three’ and ‘nine’. Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles | Getagged | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor The Laidly Worm and Kemp Owyne

Mystery Religions: The What And Why

What is the purpose of Mystery Religions, what is the definition of ‘mysteries’ and can a solitary practitioner gain access to the mysteries? Lees verder

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Death the Partner that waits for all of us

In an age when keeping death at bay seems to have become an obsession for many of us, judging by the array of anti-ageing products and treatment now available on the market, a story about someone who chooses to embrace it comes as something of a surprise… Lees verder

Geplaatst in English articles | Getagged | Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Death the Partner that waits for all of us