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Tag archieven: nature spirits
Wicca, the Religion of Self-expression
Wicca is a simple religion. It is direct. There is little elaboration and above all it is what you make of it. We frequently call it a ‘do-it-yourself’ religion and that really describes the Craft in a nutshell. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles, Tijdloze teksten
Getagged mystery religion, nature, nature spirits, paganism, self-expression, Wicca
2 reacties
Nature Spirits and Drumming – the effects of music, voice, drums and instruments in ritual
Archangels do not come or answer when invoked by drumming. Other nature spirits do. Why is that, and what do archangels need to manifest? Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged angels, drums, mummial magic, nature spirits
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Nature Spirits and Drumming – the effects of music, voice, drums and instruments in ritual
Review: Plant Spirit Gardener
Alanna Moore’s newest book is in effect an overview and collection of her ideas and experiences from the last 30 years and is an absolute must for anyone interested in connecting with Nature Spirits in their own garden. Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boeken, English articles, Recensies
Getagged devas, fairies, gardening, nature spirits, plants
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Review: Plant Spirit Gardener