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Tag archieven: memes
Viewing the World through Pagan Eyes, Part III: Memes, Thought Forms and the issue of cultural appropriation
This series argues when we take seriously the common Pagan insight that the world is pervaded by spirit and awareness “all the way down”, as well as all the way up, rather than simply being material dominated by physical laws or some deity’s plans, everything changes, in some ways subtly and in other ways profoundly. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged cultural appropriation, culture, memes, sub-culture, völkisch
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Viewing the World through Pagan Eyes, Part III: Memes, Thought Forms and the issue of cultural appropriation
Viewing the World through Pagan Eyes, Part II: Memes as Organisms
A Pagan approach sees the memes discussed by secular scientists as a kind of thought form within animist and occult traditions. Subsequent pieces will examine how major issues confronting our community look very different look when viewed from such a perspective. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged ecosystem, memes, Neopaganism, Richard Dawkins
Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Viewing the World through Pagan Eyes, Part II: Memes as Organisms