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Auteursarchieven: Deb Snavely
Beltane’s Charge – let there be beauty and strength…
Our Great Mother advises us to cherish in our hearts paired qualities—four pairs, suited to the four great sabbats. The first two qualities, beauty and strength, resonate with Beltane energies. Lees verder
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Getagged beauty, Beltane, Charge of the Goddess
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The Guild Structure of British Traditional Wicca
There are parallels between the Wiccan degree system and the medieval guild structure. What can be said about skills, talents, and ‘power’ of the Wiccan degrees, compared to the apprentice, journeyman and master? Lees verder
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Getagged British Traditional Wicca, guilds, initiatory Wicca, structure, Wicca
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Chakras: the energy centers of the human body
Since early in the 20th century, many Pagan and Wiccan traditions have used the Asian concept of chakras, or energy centers in the body, to expand their European traditional methods of working with healing, cleansing, protection, and empowerment. Lees verder
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Getagged chakras, Eastern philosophy, energy
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Cyber-psi: A Potential for Exploration
My path to Paganism is solidly based on my experiences, which included events for which I had no better label than psychic. Scientific research hesitates to delve into this kind of phenomena. But I experienced remarkeble things in online communities. Lees verder
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Getagged cyberspace, internet, paranormal, psychic
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