Spirituality and the Earth… and Spiritual Resilience

As many of you will know much of my time is spent working with URI, United Religions Initiative. In recent years much of the multi, or interfaith dialogue has been centred around dealing with many forms of violence, from hate speech to mass killings of civilians caught up in numerous conflicts. I like many others despair at the damage humans have caused to our home, Earth. How do we cope with the senseless destruction of the very environment which gives us food, water and clean air?

Recently, I have been thinking about how we can help each other, and this led me to the idea of creating short articles about how I have tackled the problem of being overwhelmed. How have I built up ‘Spiritual Resilience’?

‘Spirituality & the Earth’ … is the name of one of the first URI Cooperation Circles I ever supported, back in the 2010’s. The connection with Spirituality and Nature and the reverence for Nature, reverence for the Earth was already the focus in all of my work, be it professional or private. From childhood I knew that my calling would be that of a devotee to the Earth and all living beings.

Guided by the legends, myths, folktales I travelled not only physically but also astrally. I learnt the way of the Shaman and learnt how to overcome the obstacles called ‘Life’ – it was sometimes lonely but I had ‘invisible friends’ – who were not so invisible to me…

Listening to the stories and parables from different spiritual traditions I gradually built up my own foundation and inner sanctuary. What I didn’t realise then but do now, was that I was forming my own ‘Circle of Trust & Love’. Today in a world of poly-crises when we are often overwhelmed I have come to realise that now, even more than ever, how important ‘Spiritual resilience’ is.

What is meant by ‘spiritual resilience’?

Spiritual resilience is about maintaining a sense of purpose and meaning, even during tough times. It’s like having an inner strength that helps you navigate through life’s challenges. This often comes from a deep connection to your beliefs, faith, community, or nature. It’s the ability to draw on these sources of strength and stay grounded, no matter what life throws your way.

Ellen Grace O’Brian writes: “Cultivating Spiritual Resilience in Challenging Times. Meditative Practices for Enhancing Spiritual Resilience. Life expresses as constant motion— light, shadow, pleasure, pain, joy, sorrow. Within that motion, within that activity, is a still point of perfect, unchangeable, unconditional peace, which is the experience of the changeless, eternal divine Self — the light of Supreme Consciousness, our spiritual nature.

Accessing that inner stillness is our greatest resource for resilience. Meditation practice shows us how to find and know that still point — and discover the equilibrium, harmony, and inner peace that opens our vision, understanding, wisdom, and capacity for compassion. No matter the situation, the solution is this: go straight to the goal — reconnect with your divine Self and live from your soul — respond to the situation from the promptings of the soul, not from the reactions of the mind or emotion. No matter what problem his disciples brought to him, the Kriya Yoga master Lahiri Mahasaya would recommend: meditate more.”

What does a daily practice look like? How do you build up your ‘Circle of Trust … and Love’

For building spiritual resilience it can be simple and tailored to what resonates most with you. These are some suggestions for a daily routine.

A Morning Meditation/Prayer: spending a few minutes of meditation, mindfulness, or prayer to centre yourself for the day. Make a connection with the Sun.

At the end of the day, an evening reflection: before going to bed, reflect on your day and end by recalling the moments which brought you happiness. Set intentions for tomorrow. Above all make a connection with the Moon.

At other moments during the day – spend some time in ‘mindful movement’.  Engage in yoga, stretching, or a walk in nature to connect your body and mind. Talk with the Trees.

‘Inspirational Reading’ can also help build up Spiritual Resilience : Read (or listen) to a few pages of a book or an article that uplifts and inspires you.

Sometimes writing things down can help you to focus too. Try writing with a pen… there is something about verbalising, seeing the words on paper, feeling your muscles as you write which gives you an entirely different experience than tapping at a keyboard. As an exercise, write down three things you’re grateful for. This shifts your focus to the positive aspects of your life.

Community Connection: this is where we come in. Spend time with family, friends, or a community that shares your values. This may not be possible in real life. Visualize your Circle of Trust and Love – see those people who you love and trust.

Incorporate these elements in ways that feel natural to you. The key is consistency and finding moments of peace and connection each day. What part of this would you be most interested in trying?

In any event, have a daily chat with the Moon, the Moon which influences the ebb & flood of the mighty seas. We are made up of 80% water… the Moon also influences us – heed the Wisdom of the Moon!

From The Charge of the Goddess:

I, who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white moon amongst the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of woman and of man, call unto your soul: arise and come unto me; for I am the Soul of Nature who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of gods and of men, your inmost divine self shall be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite.



Photo, Loes Lodder, Morning Walk 28-02-2016



Check out the many ‘Vollemaan wandelingen/ Fullmoon Walks ‘ that Loes has written and the images she has used.

Painting ‘Three Worlds of Shamanism’ painting by Michelle Maiden 2016 https://michellemaiden.com/three-worlds-of-shamanism-art-by-michelle-maiden/

Cultivating Spiritual Resilience in Challenging Times

Circles of Trust – Natalie Lue

The Charge of the Goddess, attributed to Doreen Valiente

Over Morgana

"Morgana is Anglo/Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. She is a practising Gardnerian HPS. Over the years, she has facilitated a variety of Wiccan groups. She is co-editor of the international and bilingual "Wiccan Rede" magazine, which was launched in 1980 and is coordinator of Silver Circle, a Wiccan network in the Netherlands. As International Coordinator for PFI she travels extensively giving talks and workshops about Wicca and Paganism."
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