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Auteursarchieven: Dave Bracey
Some thoughts on Skyclad…
The most controversial practice in Initiatory Witchcraft is that of ritual nudity or being Skyclad. However, Gardner may have been right that being skyclad has an effect on our consciousness, or state of mind, which can influence magic. Lees verder
Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged duality, initiatory Wicca, naked, Skyclad
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Beyond God or the Gods and the Mystical Path
Who or what are the Gods? A common experience of those who have had a mystical experience, is there is no separation, just unity, of which we are a part.
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Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged Charge of the Goddess, Crafte, Dionysian Mysteries, mysteries, Mystical Experience, paganism, Wicca
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The Mysteries
One of the things Witches do, is to pursue The Great Work, to chase the dream toward achieving union with the Whole. Dave Bracey eleborates on the Greater and the Lesser Mysteries.
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Geplaatst in English articles
Getagged Craft, Dionysian, Eleusinian, Greater Mysteries, Mystical Experience, mysticism, Western Mystery Tradition
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