Honouring the Legacy of Wiccan Rede – 45 Years of Wisdom in the Craft

For nearly half a century, “Wiccan Rede” has been a beacon of insight and scholarship in the world of Wicca and Witchcraft. First launched in the spring of 1980, this long-running quarterly magazine – originally published in both Dutch and English – provided a platform for deep reflections, historical perspectives, and contemporary discussions on the Craft. In 2010, its final print edition was released at Lammas, marking the transition to its current digital format: Wiccan Rede Online, where it continues to serve a global audience.

I recently had the pleasure of an in-depth Zoom conversation with Morgana Sythove, one of the magazine’s curators and editors, about its enduring legacy. Alongside her partner, Merlin Sythove, Morgana helped shape “Wiccan Rede” into a vital resource for Wiccans and witches worldwide. Merlin, a free-thinking writer and editor-in-chief, not only explored the philosophical depths of Wicca but also fearlessly tackled the ‘elephants in the room’ – challenging assumptions and expanding discourse within the Craft. Sadly, Merlin crossed into the Summerland in January 2012. Morgana has continued to steward this remarkable publication, ensuring its wisdom remains accessible for both seasoned practitioners and those new to the path.

This March, Wiccan Rede celebrates 45 years of publishing – a testament to its enduring relevance.

While it remains a free online resource, I encourage everyone to consider donating to help sustain this incredible archive of knowledge (look for the yellow donate button on any page).

Morgana recently invited me to contribute to “Wiccan Rede” Online, and I’m honoured to share two of my latest articles with you:

Sabbat Wine of the Witches 

Gardens and Altars

Beyond these, “Wiccan Rede” holds an immense library of articles spanning decades – an invaluable trove for any serious seeker of the Craft. Dive in, explore, and support this legacy of wisdom.

Merlin & Morgana about 1976 – photo Morgana

Visit Wiccan Rede Online

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Photo: Morgana and Merlin Sythove

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Over Tim Ozpagan

Founder of Nuit's Veil Coven and WitchesWorkshop based in Sydney, Australia Tim Ozpagan is a seasoned Witch, educator and advocate for modern Paganism with over four decades of experience in coven-based Witchcraft and Magick. Since 1973, Tim has successfully led several covens, including his teaching coven Nuit’s Veil, and has become a trusted guide in the magickal community. As the creator of WitchesWorkshop (1999), Tim has built vibrant spiritual communities and empowered countless practitioners through his workshops, courses, and media appearances. His mission is to help others transform Witchcraft into an authentic, living practice, unlock their potential, and awaken the Witch Within.
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